Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today I noticed a large difference in the level of attentiveness between the two classes.  3rd hour was great.  We got through the quiz review, everyone seemed happy with how things were going, and there was time for a couple neat examples.  After lunch, 4th hour was a bunch of hooligans!  They were loud, the exact same material didn't seem to stick, and we were rushed at the end of class to fit everything in.  It was like night and day.

Hopefully the quiz goes well tomorrow and we can make sure everyone is on the same page next week!

1 comment:

Carol Cramer said...


I think a key to the inattentiveness is the phrase, "after lunch". Discuss this with Ms. Colwell. Perhaps both of you could devise a plan to address it.

My guess is that something happened at lunch to excite the students. Maybe asking the students what was on their minds would help, or it may make it worse. Tell students that it took longer to present material and that both you and Ms. Colwell are concerned about their inability to grasp the material when they are preoccupied with the events at lunch. Also, you may mention that they missed out on some special examples.

I am interested in finding out what strategy you and Ms. Colwell devise to deal with this problem.

It always amazed me how groups students reacted so differently to the same lesson.

Carol Cramer