Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!



When I got up this morning, I realized that I hadn't prepared a Halloween costume, and felt a little out-of-sorts.  Luckily, I was able to find my bear costume from two years ago and put that on before grabbing my camera and dashing out the door.  I was pretty excited to see all of the kids at Ypsi High dressed up in crazy costumes...

...but then I got there and realized maybe 10 people had Halloween spirit.  Nobody was wearing costumes!  Disappointed and a little embarrassed that I was the only person in the room with a fluffy tail, I proceeded to grade tests from the previous hours while our students took today's big test.  Unfortunately, this caused me to forget to get pictures of 3rd hour, but above you can catch a glimpse of 4th hour when they're being good.

Regarding the test, there weren't any big surprises.  Your usual set of questions about functions and your usual set of answers.  Grading is nice for a lot of reasons.  It's objective, so you can get fast at it and do it without much thought.  Mrs. Colwell always mentions it is a big help to her, so I like that.  Pretty much the only thing that isn't great about grading is when a student misses points that you know they could've gotten.  If only there were some way to help them improve... 

1 comment:

Carol Cramer said...


One of the best ways I have found to help students improve is to build on what they have done well. Point out that they were making good progress until they reached.... Ask them what happened at that point. Use their answer to help them improve.

Carol Cramer